View SMS reports

GoFax retains the log data for the last twelve (12) months of sent SMS messages, including the SMS message content (unless 'Auto delete on SMS content' is activated), as well as any replies handled by our system per Managed Replies settings for each authorised sender. 

To access your SMS data, log in to your GoFax Account: 

  1. Log in to your GoFax secure web portal
  2. Go to the left main menu "Dashboard" 
  3. Select "Send SMS Service", then select "View Sent SMS & Replies" 

The page displays your account 'Sent SMS' history for the current date. To view your 'Sent SMS' history, please adjust the date range as necessary, then click on "Apply Filters". For larger data sets we recommend instead downloading a CSV report, as per the below guide. 


Download an SMS send history report 

You can download your SMS send history as a .csv (comma-separated values) file. 

Please adjust the date range as necessary, and then click "Download List as CSV" next to "Apply Filters".


Automatically emailed reports

In addition to the live reporting available, 'Automatic Reports' are available to be emailed at your preferred frequency to your nominated email addresses. View steps to configure 'Automatic Reports'