Using webhooks

How to use GoFax webhooks in combination with the API to develop an integration.

GoFax can be configured to trigger a webhook when a fax or SMS is sent or when a fax is received. 

When building your integration, we highly recommend that you consider implementing an event based architecture using webhooks.

These notifications are simply HTTP POST requests with form-data (URL encoded metadata). 

If your URL already includes URL parameters, GoFax will append the event metadata.

💡 See article GoFax Rest API common practices

Basic Authentication (base64 encoded auth header) is supported and configurable as described below.

Fax send

To configure fax send notification URL: 

  1. Log in to your GoFax secure web portal
  2. Select -> Send Fax Service -> Manage Send Settings -> General Fax Settings 
  3. Enter details.

This can also be configured programmatically using the API endpoint PUT /v1.0/SendFax/Settings

You may also include a "callbackUrl" when submitting a transactional fax job via the API. See example request body to PUT /v1.0/SendFax :

"SendTo":"61711111111", //Recipient fax number
"Filename":"My File.pdf",
"Data": "<base64 encoded fax document>"

Basic authentication can not be used for "callbackurl" method. 


Once a fax transmission has reached a final status (see Fax send status codes), a POST request with the following form-data will be sent to your configured webhook.

Name Value Description
Recipient Recipient Fax Number in E.164 format
ID Fax Send ID (store this for later)
Success Was the fax sent successfully?
Message Human readable status of fax job
Subject Subject if Email-to-Fax or if subject provided by API job submission.

Example URL encoded event data for a successfully sent fax:


We recommend storing this data, especially the "ID" such that your integration can query further details using relevant API endpoints (see our Swagger UI). 

SMS send

To configure SMS send notification URL: 

  1. Log in to your GoFax secure web portal
  2. Select -> Send SMS Service -> Manage SMS Settings -> General SMS Settings
  3. Enter details.


As with fax, when an SMS job reaches a final state, a webhook is triggered.

Name Value Description
Recipient Recipient mobile number in E.164 format
ID SMS Message ID
Success Was the SMS sent successfully?
Message Human readable status

Example URL encoded event data for a successfully delivered SMS message:


Again, we would recommend storing the "ID" to gather further meta-data using other SMS API endpoints. 

Fax receive

To configure receive fax notification url: 

  1. Log in to your GoFax secure web portal
  2. Select -> My Account  -> Account Details 
  3. Enter details.

This can be programmatically configured using the PUT /v1.0/Account/Details 


When a new fax is received, GoFax will push a web notification to the configured URL. The webhook data is as follows:

Name Value Description
FaxID The receive fax ID
Number Number the fax was received on
Message Fax status, either COMPLETE or INCOMPLETE (partially received or slippage)
SenderFaxID The sender's remote station ID (TSID)
SenderISDNID The sender's Calling Line ID 
TransmissionTime How long the fax transmission took
NumberOfPages Number of fax pages received
TransmissionSpeed Fax baud rate negotiated

Example of the form-data for a received fax:


You can use the "FaxID" value with the API endpoint GET /v1.0/ReceiveFax/{faxId}/Document to download the received fax file in base64 encoded format.