Reporting is available within your GoFax account for fax and SMS activity. Additionally, reporting can be automatically emailed using an "Automatic Reports" feature.
To access reporting for inbound faxes:
- Log in to your GoFax secure web portal
- Go to the left main menu (Dashboard )
- Under the "Receive Fax Service" menu, choose "View Received Faxes".
Here you can change the date range etc. and download reports as a CSV file.
To access reporting for outbound faxes:
- Log in to your GoFax secure web portal
- Go to the left main menu (Dashboard )
- Under the "Send Fax Service" menu, choose "View Sent Faxes".
Here you can change the date range etc. and download reports as a CSV file.
To access reporting for outbound SMS and SMS replies:
- Log in to your GoFax secure web portal
- Go to the left main menu (Dashboard )
- Under the "Send SMS Service" menu, choose "View Sent SMS & Replies".
Here you can change the date range etc. and download reports as a CSV file.
Additionally, you can set up 'Automatic Reports'.
View details on configuring automatically emailed reports for fax and/or SMS data.