Fax and SMS reporting

Reporting is available within your GoFax account for fax and SMS activity. Additionally, reporting can be automatically emailed using an "Automatic Reports" feature. 
To access reporting for inbound faxes: 
  1. Log in to your GoFax secure web portal
  2. Go to the left main menu (Dashboard )
  3. Under the "Receive Fax Service" menu, choose "View Received Faxes". 
Here you can change the date range etc. and download reports as a CSV file. 
To access reporting for outbound faxes: 
  1. Log in to your GoFax secure web portal
  2. Go to the left main menu (Dashboard )
  3. Under the "Send Fax Service" menu, choose "View Sent Faxes". 
Here you can change the date range etc. and download reports as a CSV file. 
To access reporting for outbound SMS and SMS replies:
  1. Log in to your GoFax secure web portal
  2. Go to the left main menu (Dashboard )
  3. Under the "Send SMS Service" menu, choose "View Sent SMS & Replies".
Here you can change the date range etc. and download reports as a CSV file. 
Additionally, you can set up 'Automatic Reports'. 
View details on configuring automatically emailed reports for fax and/or SMS data.