Once your account is verified, you will be able to update your credit card details. If you wish to do so, either click “Update Credit Card Details” under “Account Options” on the Dashboard, or
- Login to your GoFax secure web portal
- Go to the left main menu (Dashboard )
- Select “My Account”
- Select “Change My Credit Card”
- Update your details as necessary, then click “Save”.
IMPORTANT: Please ensure to first click 'Clear CC Details'.
Please note: While the first and last four digits of your credit card are visible, our system does not store the rest of your credit card (this information is held in a secure merchant facility database that we cannot access). Even if you are updating the expiry date of a renewed card only, you will still need to enter the name on the card, full credit card number, expiry date and CVV when updating.
Accepted credit cards include Visa, Mastercard and American Express (AMEX).